Quick Iced Coffee

This iced coffee recipe comes from Jennifer Pallian at the blog Foodess. I've made a couple of small modifications along the way.
You'll need coffee, ice, sea salt, whatever you're adding to your coffee (milk, sugar, syrup), your favorite mug, and a metal bowl. If you have a large metal pitcher (especially a frothing pitcher), it helps to have that handy, too.
First, put the mug or glass in the freezer (along with the metal pitcher, if you've got one). While your water's coming to a boil, put the ice, salt and water in the bowl. Prepare your coffee according to your method of choice. Just bear in mind that this method won't completely chill your coffee (it will finish chilling in the glass), so it helps to make your coffee a bit stronger than usual. Put the plastic bag/metal pitcher in the bowl with the ice, and pour the coffee into that. If you're using sugar or syrup, this is a good time to add it since the heat helps everything dissolve. Stir repeatedly. Once the coffee's cooled down, take your mug/glass out of the freezer, add ice, and pour.

While this is an acceptably quick way to make an iced coffee, I'd emphasize that it's something you'd likely want to to do only in a pinch. Good iced coffee, like its hot counterpart, takes a bit more time. With a bit of foresight, you can make very good iced coffee without taking too much time. We'll explore that in this space in the coming week.