4 Things You Can Do With Leftover Coffee Grounds
While our preferred use of coffee grounds is always to make coffee, sometimes you have old or partially used coffee grounds lying around, and you have to get creative. The amazing thing about coffee grounds is that they're much more versatile than you think. Here are eight ways to use leftover coffee grounds you probably never knew of before. 1. Make a Coffee-Flavored Body Scrub "You smell so good I could eat you!" — your friends, to you (after making and using this body scrub). The gritty texture of the grounds and the acidity of coffee maker for a great exfoliator, and this recipe is insanely easy to make. 2. Repel Any Bugs Hear us out — while fall is a less likely time for this to be a problem, depending on where you live, this could be useful all year-round. Keep ants away by spreading a 1 inch thick line around vulnerable areas of your home. 3. Deodorize! Coffee grounds tend to soak up all of the odors around them. That's why, when making coffee with fresh grounds, you want to ensure those grounds have been sealed tight for flavor. But, for when you need to put your leftover grounds to work, keeping 'em wide open is the way to go. Throw some in a jar, place it in the back of your fridge, and let 'em soak up all the odors to keep it smelling fresh. 4. Treat Under Eye Circles While regularly consuming brewed coffee (+ enough sleep) can help prevent these, using your leftover ground coffee can help remedy them. Because of coffee grounds' high antioxidant and caffeine contents, they can help stimulate blood circulation around the eyes, which can help reduce the appearance of dark circles. While we don't believe there's really such a thing as consuming too much coffee, sometimes you have to make it work for you in other ways. Luckily, your ground coffee can do a lot more for you than you probably thought.