Best Nespresso Machine Reviews
So What's The Best Coffee Maker?
We at HiLine Coffee are fans of great coffee and consume more coffee daily than is probably healthy. Because we sell premium Nespresso compatible coffee capsules we are partial to the Nespresso line of machines, but we try to present a balanced viewpoint here. We have tested and used quite a few coffee machines, from professional La Marzocco’s to at-home Keurig and Nespresso brewers. Our conclusion? If you are ready to invest in the best coffee maker, professional burr grinder, barista classes and freshly roasted coffee beans, you can’t do better than La Marzocco GS/3 coupled with a mini Mazzer grinder. Make note that even if you invest $8k in the equipment, it won’t guarantee great results. You will still need to procure freshly roasted beans and learn how how to operate the tools. This is a big investment in terms of time and money. But if you get it right, your spouse and all your friends will love you unconditionally!
Cheapset Way to Make Fresh Coffee
At the other end of the spectrum, you can go with an Aeropress device and a simple hand grinder. Both will cost you only about $60 and with a supply of fresh coffee beans, you can make a decent cup of coffee every day. Getting the perfect recipe could take a while, but if you are ready to invest the time, and don’t mind the hassle of ordering fresh beans and cleaning up, you can hardly do better. As an added bonus, it’s easy to travel with Aeropress and a hand grinder, so if you don’t have a good coffee maker in the office or hotel room, you are saved! Also, if you don’t want to deal with the inconvenience of buying fresh beans and grinding them just the right way, consider HiLine’s new product Ground Coffee Packs. We are sure you’ll love it!
Best Single Serve Coffee Maker
For most consumers though the convenience and consistent quality of single-serve machines wins the day. Between the two leading brands, Keurig is the more popular model in the U.S. There are almost 300 k-cups available on the market, which are widely distributed online and in stores. While Keurig has a head start in the U.S., Nespresso is gaining on Keurig’s market position. Nespresso does it with beautifully designed machines and premium coffee capsules that make great espresso based drinks. It seems like many Michelin-starred restaurants have made the choice: About a third of them use Nespresso machines. We agree and think that Nespresso is the best single serve coffee machine, particularly if you like high intensity espresso shots. And if you already own or are ready to buy a Nespresso machine, we would love for you to try our own brand of Nespresso Compatible Pods from HiLine Coffee. If you have any questions about single-serve products, coffee makers or Nespresso, please check out our Frequently Asked Questions section.
Which Nespresso Machine Is The Best?
We think that Nespresso Pixie is the most elegant and user friendly machine. You can combine it with Nespresso milk frother called Aeroccino. If you drink mostly lattes, you should get Delonghi Lattissima Plus machine. Some consumers are wondering about the new VertuoLine machine. We don’t expect it to be very successful, but time will tell.