Coffee and Sexual Health
by Guillermo Tenaschuk
Is the Hayes Code still a thing?
If you're looking to keep your love life lively, you might want to start with a cup of coffee. The University of...
Coffee and Your Health: Getting Meta About Coffee Studies
Score one (more) for coffee. That's the conclusion drawn by Aaron E. Carroll in the New York Times (More Consensus on Coffee’s Benefits Than You Mi...
Slow Coffee
by Guillermo Tenaschuk
Image: coolcoffeeart.com
It began at -- or rather, over -- a McDonald's. Carlo Petrini, an Italian political activist, was incensed that the fast...
Why Freshness Matters: The Health Benefits of Coffee
by Guillermo Tenaschuk
Fresh Coffee is Happy (and Healthy) Coffee
After years of debate over the risks and benefits of coffee, the pendulum seems to have swung decisive...
Why Freshness Matters: Aroma and Taste
by Guillermo Tenaschuk
In our last entry we covered how to tell whether coffee is safe for use past a certain time. The expiration date is, in some ways, only a suggestio...
Coffee and Your Workout
by Guillermo Tenaschuk
Why not both? (image courtesy Fentress Crossfit)
We're big believers in the health benefits of coffee. After all, we've already seen how coffee can...
Want To Get More Done? Work From a Coffee Shop
by Guillermo Tenaschuk
What if your job wasn't tethered to a desk or a time clock? For an increasing number of workers, the rise of telecommuting -- working for an employ...
It's Official: You Should Be Drinking More Coffee
by Bold Commerce Collaborator
Drink All the Coffee You Want
The release of a recent study by the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, commissioned by the US Department ...
Coffee and Creativity
by Bold Commerce Collaborator
Marcel Duchamp, "Nude Descending a Staircase"
Those who are creative -- whether they be writers, painters, dancers, photographers, or designers -...
Coffee As a Painkiller
by Bold Commerce Collaborator
Take Two of These And Call Us in the Morning
Coffee has been at the center of several health debates over the years. There have been scares about...
Drink Coffee, Live Longer
by Guillermo Tenaschuk
Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.
A short time ago in this space, we highlighted a study showing that the color of your mug can influence ...
Coffee for Your Health: Can Coffee Combat Melanoma?
A cup a day keeps the doctor away...
We've known for years that drinking coffee comes with a host of benefits. Coffee drinkers enjoy the taste a...
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