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5 Ways to Incorporate Coffee Into Your Meals

Ever wish you could have MORE coffee? We think it should be a part of every meal of the day, not just be a nice way to start your morning! Cooking with coffee isn’t new, but it’s totally underrated. Coffee benefits liver function, can prevent disease, improve asthma symptoms, oh and most importantly it enhances flavors! We’ve rounded up some awesome recipes that are all enhanced by coffee and we’ve got you covered for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.

Breakfast Smoothie with Coffee: Don’t have time in the morning for coffee and breakfast? We’ve got you covered. It’s only 5 ingredients and all you have to do is put everything into the blender and go! Aside from adding caffeine, coffee provides a great source of antioxidants and kicks up the flavor.

Cocoa Coffee Granola & Creamy Cold Brew Bowls: If you’re struggling to figure out what you want for breakfast, look no further. We have a cross between oatmeal and cereal with your morning coffee all mixed in! This homemade granola is packed with protein and you get to pour your favorite cold brew right into the bowl. It makes a great meal-prep breakfast option if you’re on the go, too!

Mole Sauce with Coffee: Mole is a classic Mexican sauce containing spices and sweet aromatics that reduces until it turns into a thick, dense mixture. This recipe contains coffee, of course, which perfectly compliments another common ingredient which is chocolate! We love roasting veggies to accompany our mole but you can eat it with enchiladas or eggs!

Coffee Dry Rub: Okay, we know what you’re thinking. Coffee and meat? Trust us, you’ve never had meat like this and once you do, you’ll never go back. It doesn't taste like coffee and can go on different cuts of meat like brisket, ribs, steak. This rub is the perfect mixture of smokey and spicy and bright. We also love the texture that it brings. Think about the light, smooth texture of ground coffee and imagine that but warm and crisp on tender meat.

Peppermint Mocha Cupcakes: This treat tastes like the entire holiday season in one bite and we enjoy these cupcakes all year round. Enhancing chocolate with coffee isn’t new in the baking world, but we’re adding a little extra because for us you can never have too much coffee. The perfect combination of chocolate, coffee, a little peppermint hits the perfect sweet spot after dinner (or literally whenever).